Plastic lives on a timescale completely at odds with our human life. A single use plastic fork will last 1,000 years. The only comparable man-made objects are artefacts that have survived from antiquity. The Colosseum. The Pantheon. Trajan's Column. And while the monuments still stand, the society that built them is gone.
We want people to understand the absurdity of this. We want them to think twice about their plastic consumption. So we wanted to create a monumental plastic sculpture. One that pays homage to ancient antiquities - yet is constructed entirely from brightly coloured plastic. Sitting atop would be an absurd plastic duck called Ozyquackius.
Who, just like your plastic fork, would outlive all of us.
We submitted a proposal to represent New Zealand at the 59th La Biennale di Venezia.
To do so we had to secure multiple production partners and provide a full budget breakdown.
Our application was unsuccessful.
We remain on the lookout for other grants and eccentric billionaires.